Fixed by White Label

The Simulated Twitter Takeover


We offer our clients the opportunity to have us work for them in secret – they get to literally “White Label” our content as their own. 

So how do we show prospective clients how great our work is? Simple. We take over the timelines of brands who haven’t yet hired us, and we fix their content, in a (simulated) Twitter Takeover.

Pret hasn’t hired the Hive-Mind – but if they did, it might look like this:

Pret @Pret
Make your Zoom meeting feel like the real thing by ordering a Pret platter and muting your boss.


Pret @Pret
Pret has reopened. Nature is healing.

Pret @Pret
With coffee shops having been closed for so long, we just hope you haven’t all forgotten the art of nursing a flat white for three hours while your laptop charges.


Pret @Pret
Me, when I hear Pret is reopening:

Pret @Pret
Me in lockdown: Why did I make so much banana bread? I can’t eat any more banana bread.
Me when Pret reopens: *buys all the banana bread*

Pret @Pret
There are two types of people in this world: those who are grumpy until they’ve had their morning coffee, and those who need to GET OUT MY WAY.

Pret @Pret
Ladies, if he:

is hot
is rich
keeps you up all night long

He’s not your man. He’s a Pret double espresso after 4pm.

Pret @Pret
The reason we keep our pastries at the end of the counter? They’re your prize for choosing a salad.

Pret @Pret


Pret a Manger = Ready to Eat
Wet a Manger = Crying with excitement at the thought of lunch
Yet a Manger = Checking the clock to see if it’s lunchtime
Bet a Manger = Bet you’re thinking about lunch right now
Chet a Manger = When Tom Hanks’ son Chet has lunch

Pret @Pret
It’s important to start the day well. Mostly because it’s bound to go wrong later.